Website Information

This page of the website contains useful information about my website.

See this page.

Basically, you cannot use anything on this website without permission.

Opinions and Correctness

Except where I quote directly, all opinions expressed here are my own.

My writings on a given article may not be correct, they are based on my interpretation of it. If you think I’m wrong, please contact me and put me straight. If you quote me your quotation may be incorrect.

Cookies and Local Data

The public version of this website does not use cookies, so there is no cookie notice. If I use cookies in the future, they will be for specific functionality (such as a sign-on page) and will be documented on this page.

This website does not track you and I do not pass any personal information supplied by you to third parties without your permission, unless I am required to do so by law. This will never change while I control this website’s content.

I do not use local storage on your browser, if this changes, the changes will be documented on this page.

Java Script

This website uses Java Script to improve site functionality. If you have turned Java Script off or you are using an old browser (such as Internet Explorer), some of the functionality will not be available to you.

GDPR and Privacy

This is a personal website, so GDPR does not apply. However, I will follow the GDPR rules, I’m just not going to write about them here (I have a life).

I repeat, this website does not track you and I do not pass any personal information supplied by you to third parties without your permission, unless I am required to do so by law. This will never change while I control this site’s content.

The only personal data you give me is the information you supply via my contact page and subsequent emails. This will be stored in a secure manner.

Version History

April 2024: Original Version.