
You are not allowed to use any of the photographs or written text on this website without written permission.

You can obtain permission by contacting me using my contact page. You will need to tell me who you are, how I can contact you, and most importantly, how you intend to use the text/photos. If you are a business, I need details about your business. The same applies to charities and community groups.

You must not download images from my web server, under any circumstances.

Third Party Articles and Photos

Occasionally I’ll publish articles and photographs from other people, who will be credited.

If you wish to use such text or photos you will need their permission, which can be obtained by contacting me via my contact page. If I’ve lost contact with the original author, permission cannot be granted.

A Warning

A long time ago, my wife was talking to a solicitor about terms and conditions for a website. The solicitor told her about a website developer who was fined several thousand pounds for using photographs without permission. The person who wanted the website supplied the photos; he had lifted them from a major photo library. The website developer did not bother checking they could be used. The photo library first went after the person who owned the website and got nowhere. Because the website had a link to the developer, they went after him and successfully sued him. This is the reason why I rarely write websites for other people.

April 2024.